Business Profile (Reference # 230328)
This business may be for you if you want to work from home and like organizing, scheduling, and coordinating. You will work from your home office equipped with your phone, computer, printer, desk and file cabinet.
You will be able to interact with "movers and shakers" in the exciting Broadcast and Entertainment industries. This niche is mostly overlooked by large companies in the space, so competition is limited. The business delivers a formula for making events a total success. As the owner of this business, you will save time and money for your clients.
Facilities & Assets
A major advantage to this business is that it is operated from a home office and it has no assets other than office equipment (computer, printer, phone) eliminating capital expense. The value of the business is generated through the intangible assets or "goodwill" of this business. They include:
- Reputation in the industry
- Brand / trade name recognition
- Websites, domain names and phone number(s)
- Know-how and business model
- Proprietary databases
- Production or order backlog at closing
- Developed processes
- Training
Support & Training
30 days included and up to 6 months depending on the needs of the buyer.
Market & Competition
This business is focused on clients in the Broadcast and Entertainment industries. This niche is mostly overlooked by large companies in the space, so competition is limited.